10 Ways to Make Your Morning More Productive

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Feeling the need to be more productive at work? Start by rethinking your morning routine. Researchers at the University of Nottingham recently found that energy and self-control are highest in the morning and wear out as the day goes on, making tasks feel more difficult to complete. Increase your morning productivity with the following 10 tips.

1. Eat Breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Starting with a healthy breakfast makes you more productive by giving you more energy and improved concentration and short-term memory. People who start the say with breakfast also have more stable blood sugar levels and are less likely to be obese.

2. Exercise

First thing in the morning is a great time to squeeze in a workout. Even as little as 10 minutes of physical activity releases GABA, a neurotransmitter that calms the brain and improves impulse control.

3. Put Off "Plugging In"

It can be tempting to check your emails or texts the minute you wake up, but putting this off for a while makes you more productive by keeping you focused on your goals for the day rather than other peoples' requests and needs. Instead, start off your morning with something relaxing, such as meditation.

4. Set Daily Goals

Productive people set daily, attainable goals. Be specific when writing your goals, and break each goal down into bite-size steps, with a time limit if applicable.

5. Clear Your Workspace

A clear workspace allows for a more productive morning. One study from Princeton University found that people who worked with clean, organized desks performed better than those who had to work around clutter because clutter naturally pulls your attention and focus away.

6. Don't Multitask

The energetic morning hours can seem like the perfect time to multitask. However, your brain is wired to focus on one thing at a time, so give each task your full attention until completion. You'll be more productive and perform better on tasks.

7. Monitor Your Progress

Remember that list of daily goals you made? Check in throughout the day to monitor your progress. You may need to adjust your goals or your performance to avoid getting behind schedule.

8. Minimize Meetings

Meetings can suck a huge chunk of time out of your day. To avoid this, create an agenda, and inform all participants to abide by it. End the meeting early if people come unprepared or the conversation isn't moving forward.

9. Don't Check Email Too Much

Don't let the constant influx of emails distract you. Schedule specific times throughout the day to check emails, and use these times to respond to urgent requests. Anything that is not urgent should be prioritized and placed on your action list for a later time.

10. Say "No"

It is perfectly acceptable to turn down new commitments if you already have enough on your plate. By being upfront, you are less likely to experience the stress and burnout associated with a too-heavy workload.

A more productive morning begins at home. Start your day on a positive, relaxed note, and use these tips to maintain that same energy and enthusiasm at the office. Higher morning productivity can mean the difference between a good workday and a bad one, so work smarter, not harder.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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